Welcome to the Quick & Easy Online High Holiday Reservations page

Seat Reservations
Your Info
First Name
Last Name
Zip Code
Seat Reservations
Amount Adult Attendees (12 and over)
Amount Children Attendees (11 and under)
Adult Name 1
Child Name 1
Adult Name 2
Child Name 2
Adult Name 3
Child Name 3
Adult Name 4
Child Name 4

Contribution to reserve your seat - $180

Children 11 & under free of charge.

If you cannot afford this amount please RSVP anyway (and put in any amount that you can afford). 



Help Chabad bring more light to the community with your generous High Holiday contribution.


High Holiday Kiddush Sponsor $500  ~ High Holiday Sponsor $1,000

High Holiday Hero Sponsor - $1,800

Total Charge Amount
(incl. Reservations and/or Sponsorship)

Payment Method

Credit Card

Please send your check to:
1515 El Monte Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362

Card Number



Please click submit only once.
Please wait a few seconds for acknowledgement online that your information was received.

We will send you a receipt once your donation has been processed.